Industrial and Manufacturing Insurance | Assurancia Groupe Tardif

Industrial and Manufacturing Insurance: Secure Your Operations

Whether you are in materials processing, chemical manufacturing, food production, machinery and industrial equipment manufacturing, or the automotive industry, your business is exposed to a variety of risks. 

Having appropriate insurance is essential to protect your facilities and equipment. 

Assurancia Groupe Tardif, a damage insurance broker for over 70 years, advises you and offers the best insurance solutions. Our expertise and commitment to our clients ensures optimal protection against the various risks your business may face.

assurance industriel et manufacturier

Examples of Risks Covered by Industrial and Manufacturing Insurance

  • Machinery Breakdown

    • Problem: Production stoppages causing significant losses.
    • Solution: Machinery breakdown insurance covering repairs and replacements.
  • Theft and Vandalism

    • Problem: Disruption of operations due to theft and vandalism.
    • Solution: Theft coverage limiting financial losses and securing investments.
  • Environmental Incidents

    • Problem: Pollution and contamination risks.
    • Solution: Environmental liability insurance covering cleanup costs and third-party claims.
  • Supply Chain Management

    • Problem: Delays and shortages of materials.
    • Solution: Coverage minimizing the impacts of interruptions on production.
  • Liability Insurance

    • Problem: Damages caused to third parties due to incidents at the industrial site.
    • Solution: Liability insurance covering legal fees and compensations.
  • Business Interruption

    • Problem: Temporary halt in production due to incidents.
    • Solution: Business interruption insurance covering income losses during the downtime.

Why Choose Assurancia Groupe Tardif?

In-depth Knowledge of Industrial Needs

Our brokers thoroughly understand industrial needs. We offer insurance solutions tailored to your daily challenges.

Personalized and Flexible Offers

 Every business is unique. We create customized insurance solutions to protect your assets and ensure the continuity of your operations.

Continuous Support

Our commitment does not end at contract signing. Our team is always available to:

  • Answer your questions
  • Adjust your insurance policies according to your evolving needs
  • Assist you in case of a claim

Transparency on Costs and Benefits

We believe in complete transparency regarding the costs and benefits of our insurance solutions. Our brokers explain in detail:

  • The coverage
  • The exclusions
  • The rates associated with each insurance policy

This allows you to make informed decisions, knowing exactly what you are paying for.

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